PlymptonPARKS Celebration

The Plympton Open Space Committee invites residents and friends to join in celebrating the official opening of PlymptonPARKS on Saturday, April 23, from noon until 3 pm. This event features several special events, including a "scavenger hunt” for children, guided tours of the trails and ongoing acoustic music for all to enjoy.
At 1pm, there will be a short ceremony to thank the organizations and individuals who have given their time and talents to make the PARKS a reality. Invited guests include the descendants of the Churchill Family, Representative William Keating, the Wildlands Trust and the Compact of Cape Cod Conservation Trusts. The old “gravel pit” is the location for the ceremony and the start of all other events.
Attendees are asked to park at the Dennett Elementary School and use the Ring Road entrance to the PARKS. There will be signage to direct you to the festivities and the trail head. Plympton police will be on hand to facilitate safe crossing of Ring Road for attendees and their families. If you arrant able to walk to the gravel pit area and require transportation, volunteers can provide you with a ride from the school area. Please
email us to request this assistance.
Rain date is Sunday, April 24. The Open Space Committee thanks everyone who has supported this project and hopes you will be there to help celebrate!